The Charlatan's Boy
By Jonathan Rogers
"Ladies and Gentlemen . . . It is my privilege to introduce you to the World's Ugliest Boy!"
Greasy-mustached, traveling showman Floyd can't be trusted by his audiences OR, for that matter, his boy: ugly orphan Grady. Lies are all part of Floyd's business, and Grady can't for the life of him figure out which of Floyd's story of Grady's originings is true. Traipsing from town to town with the Charlatan, duping one "ignerent" village after the next, Grady finds himself torn between wanting the truth and loving the tall-tales . . . roughin' the big life on the road and still yearning for a sense of belonging.
Amidst the adventures of stampedes, bull-riding, swamp hoofing, wild showmanship and knock-down drag out fights alongside a pretty girl, one cannot read this tale without falling in love with the ugliest orphan to ever show his face in Corenwald. With cantering southern diction, Jonathan Rogers weaves a tall tale that is sure to delight, entertain and touch every reader. I loved it!
(I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.) For a sneak peek at the first 2 chapters, go here.